hi guys
just thought i would update you as to how i am doing with my pong project. a screen shot is at the top. right now i am working on getting the ball moving and making sure it doesn't disappear of the side of the screen and then i have to add some sort of way i can make the computer paddle move towards the ball. I am thinking i am going to have to do some of that maths that i have learned today to get it working.
my thoughts so far is that i will take the X velocity and the y velocity and find the hypotenuse using pythagoras' theorem and find where the hypotenuse intersects the Y axis on the right hand side of the screen and move the computer paddle towards that. But i will only implement this once i get the collision detection working for the ball and getting the ball to move around the screen so it bounces of things. Should hopefully complete the first working version by tonight or tommorow :D then I can start adding things to it like a main menu and credits at the end and even different difficulties. This is going to be my first real game so i can't wait to get it done :D
cya for now
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