Wednesday, 16 September 2009

XNA latest

So guys I have gotten my new book. microsoft XNA game studio 3.0 unleashed. I have to say it is pretty good. It will help me with alot of things that I had no clue on how I was going to do them. I am currently working my way through the book. I am starting on an unofficial game engine of mine which I have ingeniously called game engine v0.01 which will basically be fps game but it will have lots of things like water rendering and particle systems which I can take on with me to other projects. I would really like to have a game up and running which I will be able to put on my site by christmas :D That would be awesome and hopefully it will bring a bit of traffic to my website. I am thinking that my website's main attraction will be the free games I will provide. But first I need to get some free games so I need to start working on that.

Anyway I will update you later tonight depending on how much I have done to my engine!

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